Thursday, June 15, 2017

Morsels - Villages of the Living Dead

This article is to serve as a host for my outline for creating communities and adventures for All Flesh Must Be Eaten games. It is a living document and will be updated as I develop material.

Last updated:  06.16.2017

Morsels are quick write-ups about different communities, neighborhoods, and villages where the living still live and the dead walk the Earth. They can be expanded into meal courses by adding notes regarding Before the Fall, During the Rise, and After the Fall to the 30 second elevator pitch section and if desired, an archetype or zombie stats at the end. Detailing the entire location would make it a full-on meal. 

The Sights represent rumours (or truths) the player characters have heard about the location. You will notice they will contradict each other. The Zombie Master will need to decide which is the truth for their setting.

Threats are three optional threats to the community the Zombie Master can weave into the story. 

Connectivity is not yet finalized. I am imagining something similar to my subway rules, but I need to revisit it. This may be something that becomes its own minigame and not part of the morsel write ups. 

Goals are a separate structure, but operate similar to Morsels. Each goal will have three potential rumours to go with it. These can form the jumping off point for adventures. I will move these to their own post, eventually. However, until I work up their creation process, these are staying here.

Neighborhood Name
30 second elevator pitch about the location and community

1.        Xxx
2.        Xxx
3.        Xxx
1.        Xxx
2.        Xxx
3.        Xxx
1.        Xxx
2.        Xxx
3.        Xxx

1.        Xxx
2.        Xxx
3.        Xxx

Specific Locations within the Community
Up to ten

Distance and/or difficulty to other local neighborhoods or landmarks

1.        Person
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        xxx
2.        Place
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        xxx
3.        Thing
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        xxx
1.        Person
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
2.        Place
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
3.        Thing
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        xxx
Protection from the elements
1.        Person
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
2.        Place
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
3.        Thing
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
Military strength / Defenses
1.        Person
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
2.        Place
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        Xxx
3.        Thing
a.        Xxx
b.        Xxx
c.        xxx

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