Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ultimate Versus

Tonight, the temps are dropping to the zeds. The streets are sheets of black ice. I almost fishtailed across a few lanes of traffic on the way home. ugh

Looks like the rest of tonight will be either Svenguli with The Creature Walks Among Us or slapping in Ultimate Versus (the ultimate version of the movie Versus).

Speaking of Ulimate Versus! It claims to be an "independent film." Can anyone out there tell me what the difference between Japanese indie movies and USA indie movies are?

While we're at it, does anyone have a copy of Down 2 Hell? As it turns out, Versus is what happens when indie film makers get real ambitious with sequels. It started out as The Return: Down 2 Hell. Believe it or not, they had 150 people in/on staff of that movie! I think Dork of the Rings had about 120. Anyways, Versus came out of the creation process with R:D2H.

I'm still interested in doing more indie film work. I may be helping a friend out on March 1st.

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